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Modifying holidays

Modifying holidays is only possible with those which have not been confirmed/refused yet.
Accessing the page where a holiday is modified can be done :

  • either from the Main Planning Page (provided that the displaying of pending holidays has been enabled through the checkbox) by clicking any day of the aimed request. This can be achieved by user herself/himself (provided that s/he is able to create holidays for herself/himself) and other users (provided their "Holiday rights" for 'All' are at least set to 'Create/Modify') ;
  • or via the Modify link as available on the My Holidays Page (only for related user).

Either way, user is led to the page as featured in Fig.Showing the choices, where, in a detailed presentation very similar to the View Holidays one, each day can be clicked on. A pop-up then appears with various choices, to apply changes to this selected day :

  • canceling this day from the request ("No holiday") ;
  • making it a Whole day ;
  • taking only the Morning or Afternoon ;
  • choosing a detailed hourly schedule ("Other"), as shown on Fig.Defining a schedule for this Wednesday.

Whichever choice is made, and provided related user has enough hours left to make certain change, the modifying appears immediately.

Figure 7.126: Showing the choices to which modify the Wednesday of this holiday request.

Figure 7.127: Defining a schedule for this Wednesday, where off-time is counted in a matter of hours and minutes.

A begin or end time is fixed the following way :

  • the corresponding clock Image clock is clicked ;
  • a new window appears, where hour and minute sliders allow to choose a specific time ; depending to what has been selected in the menu right to the minute slider, minutes can be chosen either as :00 or :30 ("+30"), by gaps of 5 minutes ("+5") or by gaps of 1 minute ("+1") ;
  • clicking on "Ok" then validates the time.

A predefined workday profile can also be chosen in the Image z_ChooseM menu.

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