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Details on invoiced timesheets

When several timesheets are selected for invoicing, a few of them may correspond to the same article, for instance a 'service' article performed at several dates. In order to make the final invoice as succinct as possible, those identical articles are condensed in a single line : their quantities or duration as well as their total prices are be summed up, provided there was no change in label or unit price.

It is still then possible to get the full details of a series of invoiced timesheets, through the Image z_Details button as found right to the invoice reference :

Figure 7.104: Full details of a series of invoiced timesheet, which can be printed out.

On subsequent page, full details about the invoiced timesheets are shown, but most interestingly, it is possible to Image z_Print those details, giving a result rather similar to the timesheet PDF printout.

This way, if a series of timesheets had the same articles repeated a few times (for instance the same service performed at different dates or by different users), this printout, giving the full details of what has been done, completes nicely the invoice printout, which is condensed.

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